Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Harry Potter!

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling
Genre: Fantasy, Children's lit. Rating: (out of 10): 9
As usual, I hung on to every word as I read this. Rowling did a great job of tying up all of the loose ends and connecting events from all seven books together. I do think things ended a little too neatly, however.

More for the Wish List

Landmark Ruling on Race & Schools (news article? Seattle 2007)

Their Highest Potential- Author: Walker

Educational Wastelands

1776- David McCullough

Radical Possibilities- Jean Anyon

The Hidden Curriculum of School at Work- Jean Anyon

Author: Joy Hakim (revisionist S.S. history)

Other People's Children- Lisa Delpit

All American Yemeni Girls

Eating the Other- bell hooks

History of Education in America- Pullam, J

The School in the United States- Fraser, J

Minor Re/Visions-

Against Common Sense