Saturday, May 31, 2008

Pregnancy Reading

I read these back in April when I was in the planning stages... I have others I'm working on.

I'm Pregnant! Now What Do I Eat?
by Hope Ricciotti

Genre: informational, pregnancy, recipe Rating: (out of 10): 5
Just an overview book. Lots of recipes, which bore me because I don't cook. The information was basic and can be easily found elsewhere.

The Harvard Medical School Guide to Healthy Eating During Pregnancy by W. Allan Walker
Genre: informational, pregnancy Rating: (out of 10): 7
Much more informational and thorough. Kind of boring, though.

The Real Deal Guide to Pregnancy by Erika Lenkert
Genre: informational, pregnancy Rating: (out of 10): 8
I read this book first, so it was the most interesting. Mostly because the other books had the same information. This was easy reading though, and the first tip-off that pregnancy may be really uncomfortable.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

More Meyer

host by Stephenie Meyer

Genre: Science fiction Rating: (out of 10): 7.5
Meyer's first attempt at adult fiction was pretty good. Intriguing, but somewhat predictable. I have to say I agree with my friend Scott, she "overwrites". The books are longer than they need to be. It was a page-turner, though!