Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Just Missed

I was short by two for the year. But I have a good start to this one!

Hate that Cat
by Sharon Creech

Genre: Children's lit, poetry Rating: (out of 10): 9
I loved using Hate that Dog to teach my kids poetry. Now there is a sequel! This one contains onomotopoeia, alliteration, etc. I'm plotting how to get my hands on 30 copies already...

Schuyler's Monster by Rob Rummel-Hudson
Genre: Memoir, parenting Rating: (out of 10): 8
The reviews of this book were right on the mark. I'd read enough of his blog to know what to expect in this book, and that took away from it a little bit.

Charlie Bone and the Beast by Jenny Nimmo
Genre: Fantasy, Children's Literature Rating: (out of 10): 7
I liked #5 better, but this one continued the series... It didn't move much more toward the climax... How many books are there?

Charlie Bone and the Shadow by Jenny Nimmo
Genre: Fantasy, Children's Literature Rating: (out of 10): 7
This one left us in suspense again... What's going to happen to Billy?

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Grad School Odds and Ends

I need to record some titles and videos I'd like to read/see at some point somewhere. I was going through my grad school files cleaning things out in the kids' room and found some titles. So this is the list...

The Child Called X
Chomsky- On Miseducation
Rodriguez- Hunger of Memory
Video- It's Elementary
Critical Pedagogy Reader
Spike Lee- Bamboozled
The Wooden Horse (POW camps)
Sweetness & Power by Sidney Mintz
Fart Proudly
Ruby Paine- strategies to teach dominant discourse
Kindergarten is Academic Boot Camp
Talking Sociology
Letters from a Nut
Function of Poverty (poverty is necessary)
Rebecca Sitton (spelling?)
PBS Race the power of an illusion
The Illusion of Race- PBS
A World of Diversity
Video- the tale of "o"
"Diversity not strive to acquire, instead work ot recognize" Janet Casey
Courageous Conversations about Race Singleton and Linton
Article- When the Rules are the Same, but the Game Isn't
Movie Can't Hardly wait
Jackson Katz documentary- tough guise- violence, media &...
People like us- social class in America 2003 PBS
Putnam's Bowling Alone
Book- Enough
Made in Multicultual USA- Tensions of Race, culture, Gender & Sexuality
Rethinking our classrooms: Teaching for equity and justice
White Teacher- 1979
Postman- Teaching as a subversive Activity
Book: Consumed
The Color of Fear- documentary
What the Media teaches about Diversity
Movie Lost in Translation
Oprah- School Swap 2006-2007
Bohemian Grove CA- Economic & political elite meet
The Very First Thanksgiving Day- R. G. Greene
Legends of the Fall 1994
The New World 2005
Smoke Signals 1998
In the White Man's Image
Lamar Alexander- TN suppressed study on small schools, every kid own IEP
Movie: Rise
Educational Leadership becoming citizens of the world
bell hooks- eating the other
carlos mencia- comedian
stand and deliver
movie- half nelson
Jean Anyon- Radical Possibilities, The Hidden Curriculum of School at Work
Freedom riders
www.sacredtexts.com for the New England Primer
October Sky- movie
Their Highest Potential- Walker
Freedom Writers
David Hawkins- Univ. of Colorado
Herndon (he)- book
Journal of youth studies
Intercultural Education
Journal of Education for teaching
Comparative Education
In Schools We Trust
Deborah Meier
Rethinking Globalization
The Ecological Footprint
The Human Footprint
Origins of the Urban Crisis
Silverberg- The World Inside
The Culture of Denial- Bowers
Rethinking Freire
Permaculture in a Nutshell
Omnivores Dilemma
Jaybar Crowe- Wendell Barry
How we've come to think as westerners
Place-Based Education- Sobol, Greneweld & Smith
thepromiseofplace.org, theruraltrust.org
Griffin & Bateson
Blessed Unrest- Paul Hawkin
hullabaloo- myspace
Being Prey- Plumwood
Wisdom of the Mythmaker- Sean...
Keith Basso- Wisdom sits in places
Spell of the Sensors
History of Sexuality- Foucoult
Changes in the Land- William Cronin
The Turning Point
The Web of Life- Pritjof Capra
H.H. Dalai Lama- Ethics for the New Millenium
Film- Ancient Futures
Cultural Denial- Chet Bowers- Handbook for Ecojustice Ed?
Polyani- The Great Transformation- bell hooks?
Freire Pedagogy of Oppressed
Book- the devil wears red shoes
Book- The Ethics of Teaching
Nel Noddings
Carol Gilling
Amy Gutmann- Democratic Education
Movie- Children in America's Schools- Kozol
Dist. of Education- Amy Gutman & Kenneth Howe
Takaki- A different time